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the act of sitting backwards on a toilet and defecating. this is done so that the poop will get stuck on the side of the bowl, not falling into the water. if done properly (much harder than it sounds) the poop will remain even after a flush. this is done to people/places you dont like (eg school) usually by teenage boys.

Yeah, he flagpoled in the school toilets

oh man, i tried flagpoling my own toilet but it didnt work. its so hard!

by Dread Pyrate Bonney April 29, 2005

48๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž


An erection that sticks out really far. Sometimes has observers to it.

I was swimmig under water with goggles and saw this guy with a huge flagpole.

by MarKatWil July 28, 2008

18๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


An oral sex position, wherein the fellator holds their body horizontally (as a flag relative to a flagpole) while performing fellatio.

"I hear Rebbecca totally gave that RA a flagpole! That sh*t is BANANAS!"

by OctaveO October 9, 2009

22๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


A massive shit that sticks out of the water with toilet paper stuck to the top. Bonus, If it's dense enough it will wave like a flag as you try to flush it.

I left a flagpole in there if you want to see if you can get it to flush.

by AintDatABitch September 3, 2023


Swiping your finger(s)in an upward motion on/in the crack of someones ass, not during a sexual encounter(usually).

If you flagpole me, I will punch you in the nose.

by Crystal2007 January 18, 2009

9๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


having anal intercourse with a female looking like you are hanging her from your "flagpole"

Me: So how did it go with that girl you hooked up with man?
Peifer: Dude i was totally flagpoling her man
Me: well you might as well be gay right, i mean an asshole is an asshole right?

by Matt aka Stuffin McMuffin May 31, 2007

3๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Flagpole Wedgie

A wedgie where the victim is hoisted up to the top of a flagpole by their underwear. This is the best form of wedgie if you want the victim to suffer the longest, and if done in the summer, can last for days.

I gave this nerd called Jake a flagpole wedgie during summer vacation. I stripped him to his briefs and strung him up on the flagpole, giving him water and canned beans three times a day. I managed to keep this nerd up there for six days, and by the time a construction worker got him down, he was a mess (his underwear was his bathroom) and he couldn't walk cause of the pain in his butt. I still wedgie Jake to this day.

by Rappunk799 June 16, 2014

69๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž