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Four Horsemen

In Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Four Horsemen is the nickname for a group of the most wanted bad guys, who were the main targets. Tbe first one iz Imran Zakhaev, the second one is Khaled Al-Asad, the third one is Zakhaev's son, Victor Zakhaev. The fourth horseman still remains unknown. Some believe that he was the executed president (His execution was watched from first person view), Al-Fulani, because he betrayed them. In the briefings for some missions, a picture of three of them is shown with an "X" over their head, so you can figure out which ones you've eliminated. When you see that photo for the first time, Fourth Horseman's head is already X-ed.

Zakhaev, one of the Four Horsemen: Our so-called leaders prostituted us to the West... Destroyed our cultures... Our economies... Our honor. Our blood has been spilled on our soil. My blood... On their hands

by Orrer May 29, 2008

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The Four Horsemen

When a Person or group of people get drunk, high take a tab of acid and Magic Mushrooms or LSD.

Man, Josh ended up half naked in a field after doing the four horsemen.

by BaconBuster February 9, 2021

The Four Horsemen

By the last breath the fourth winds blow
Better raise your ears
The sound of hooves knock at your door
Lock up your wife and children now
It's time to wield the blade
For now you've got some company
The Horsemen are drawing nearer
On leather steeds they ride
They've come to take your life
On through the dead of night
With The Four Horsemen ride
Or choose your fate and die
Oh, yeah yeah!
You have been dying since the day you were born
You know it's all been planned
The quartet of deliverance rides
A sinner once, a sinner twice
No need for confessions now
'Cause now you've got the fight of your life
The Horsemen are drawing nearer
On leather steeds they ride
They've come to take your life
On through the dead of night
With The Four Horsemen ride
Or choose your fate and die
Oh, yeah yeah!
Has taken its toll on you
The lines that crack your face
Your body it has torn through
Withered in every place
For what you had to endure
And what you have put others through
Deliverance for you for sure
Now there's nothing you can do
So gather 'round young warriors now
And saddle up your steeds
Killing scores with demon swords
Now is the death of doers of wrong
Swing the judgement hammer down
Safely inside armor blood guts and sweat

The Horsemen are drawing nearer
On leather steeds they ride
They've come to take your life
On through the dead of night
With The Four Horsemen ride
Or choose your fate and die
Oh, yeah yeah!

by April 6, 2022

The Four Horsemen

A sexual act involving four, foreplay actions in one. A man does this to a woman. 1. Eating the pussy 2. Fingering the pussy 3. Pinching a nipple 4. Fingering or tickling the asshole. All four acts must be done simultaneously. She'll go crazy.

Dude, I was with my girl last night. I ate her out, fingered her, pinched her nipples, and tickled her asshole. I call it The Four Horsemen. She was squirting and writhing all over the place.

by The Ganoosh September 1, 2014

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Four Horsemen

The largest and most dangerous gang in Wytheville,VA, originated from a small group of hoodlums who by coinsidence, went to the same church. Rapidly spreading and dominating street crime, they sweep the night rendering local police clueless. Also known as The 4 Horsemen and the 4 Saken.

Chief: What's this police tape and outline of a murdered possum doing on the street?
Officer: We think it's those "Four Horsemen" boys again...

by The Plague November 27, 2005

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Four Horsemen

a series of drinks found at the bar and drank in succession with a beer both starting and finishing the series.

First: Conquest - Any mixed drink involving vodka

Second: War - Any mixed drink involving tequila

Third: Famine - Any mixed drink involving rum

Fourth: Death - Long Island Iced Tea or some variation of the drink (Adios Mother****** or Tokyo Tea).

1st. Vodka - Red Bull

2nd. Margarita

3rd. Rum and Coke

4th. Long Island Iced Tea

After the Four Horsemen, it might feel like the Apocalyspe for whoever consumed them...

by PropheticOne July 13, 2011

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Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

The annointed ones. Four men... Disease, famine, war and death. They will bring about the end of the world.

the four horsemen will bring about the end of the world

by Sarah Way July 2, 2005

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