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human blow torch

The art of becoming a torch by blowing alcohol out of your mouth and lighting it with a match or lighter to produce a large flame.

Craig did a naked beer bong on top of the wall while Adam did the human blow torch behind him!!

by Craig Swoboda September 19, 2005

14👍 3👎

Human Torch

When you kidnap someone and take them to your basement then proceed to tie them up and light them on fire while making them watch all the Fantastic Four films on a loop until they burn to death.

Doug: I need to burn off some steam
Rick: why don’t you go Human Torch someone?

by Ur Local Farmer June 1, 2020

Human torch

A red hair person who usually is annoying but sometimes nice. Human torches usually have bad tempers.

Hey look at that human torch!!

by AnnNif udj November 28, 2011

the human torch

when you cover yourself in gasoline and light your self on fire, or you replace your spinal fluid with gasoline

remember that nigga from Arab springs? yeah that nigga pulled the human torch.

by echhi June 24, 2019