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A person who is competitive and gregarious by nature.

The skill of a playa is measured by the extent of his or her "game." The more "game" a playa has, the more respect they command in their community.

A person who has enough game (and hence, enough respect) can do whatever they want, dress however awful (or tacky) they want, say whatever crazy things they want to say, and still win the adoration of others. Often these skills are used to earn sexual or material favors, although not by necessity.

Playas are mostly motivated by the ego drive that comes with self expression and self manifestation for its own ends. In many ways, playas are trend-setters rather than trend-followers.

Game recognizes game, and a true playa will always give respect to a fellow playa when it is due. People who ignore (read: fail to notice), criticize, or alienate themselves from a playa without just cause is referred to as a "playa hater."

"I only got time for three types of people: pimps, hoes, and playas wearing Now-And-Later gators."

by handle187 October 31, 2003

2431๐Ÿ‘ 709๐Ÿ‘Ž


A male or female who is skilled at manipulating ("playing") others, and especially at seducing them by pretending to care about them, when in reality they don't.

AKA: Haley Nance

Haley Nace is such a playa

by Rojrick January 22, 2014

106๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž

a playa

A "Playa" is (usually) a man who likes to get with the ladies, as many as possible. A cross between a con man and a ho.

Don't even think of getting with him, he's just a playa

by DMX October 2, 2003

76๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


Spanish for "beach"

Vamos a la playa.

by Holmes July 31, 2003

1611๐Ÿ‘ 649๐Ÿ‘Ž


A male who uses women for sex or other favors usually by charming the girl till they fall in love with them. A lot of guys do this in order to be a "playa" cuz in our modern society it is(by idiotic dickheads) "cool" and "hip" to be labeled as a "playa". A female version of this would be slut.

also see dumbass.

by sxehoodlum February 24, 2004

1612๐Ÿ‘ 684๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Playa can be male or female and by definition be good at the game they play i.e. playing men or woman to get what they want. The man or woman leads on multiple people of the oppisite sex into thinking there is a long term relationship in proccess, when in reality they are just using them for the beneficial purpose of becoming a legend. Both males and females are capable of becoming a playa whether it be through sex, making out, or just plain old hooking them into a relationship and using them for money or whatever else they might need. Keep in mind a playa does not actually have to be dating someone to be considered a player they must just have you hooked and wanting more(tagged).

Man that bitch was with two other guys while she was leading me on. She is a true playa, too bad she got caught cause damn she was hott.

That dick head was with two other girls while he was leading me on. He is a true playa, too bad he got caught.

by Dezarae March 16, 2005

532๐Ÿ‘ 225๐Ÿ‘Ž


When a boy is dating more than one girl or a girl is dating more than one boy

Dang bro your mom is a playa

by Grandfather November 16, 2019