Source Code

Six thirty thirty

When a bitch so nasty that your dick can't hang any lower

Did you see that nasty bitch? My dick can't even recover from that six thirty thirty.

by The Jackal 763 August 9, 2015

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number between thirty-four and thirty-six; often times used to express ACT scores/subscores

Justin: Did you hear Jeff got a thirty-five on his ACT?

Surrounding People: Wow, that is a fantastic score!

Jeff: Guys, c'mon I only doubled Karen's score.

by tubist69 October 24, 2011


Thicc person in his/her 30โ€™s

Instahoe caption: thirty & thriving!
Me: You look thirty-thicc.


by Borregobro April 15, 2020


the thirty minutes before nightfall, or the thirty minutes after night falls.basically the 1 hour time frame as it becomes dark.

i told david the party starts at dark-thirty.

by da trick biatch December 20, 2005

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Balls Thirty

2-5am, the most painful time of night to be awake. Usually external obligations forcing you out of bed.

In the military, usually refers to standing watch.

Dude 1: I'm going to bed early, I got watch at balls thirty in the morning.

Dude 2: Damn that sucks!

by The Beast Master Fresh June 17, 2009

Thirty years

The specified time in the future when we will all have flying cars and personal robot servants

Darling, do you think they'll ever make flying cars?
I'm sure in about thirty years, we'll have them

Dude...you ever think cars will fly and stuff?
In thirty years man...i'm seein other stuff flying though. Whoaaaa

Man, you ever think we're gonna have like...robot servants?

Probably in like...30 years, it'll be wicked.

Yo dawg you think we gon make robot slaves?

Shit yeah dawg in like thirty years or some shit.

by Rayge April 25, 2010

Thirty Sixes

Refers to a kilo of cocaine - contains roughly 36 ounces.

I got them thirty sixes and I'm not talking about the rims - if you're hustling for real then you know what I mean.

by tacoX July 29, 2008