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tic tac

a skateboard manuever after a trick where you push down on the tail to turn your board a little bit most people do this after a hard trick and they didnt have alot of balance after landing on it

"Dude nice 360 flip next time try not to tic tac though

by Jaco Aber August 8, 2010

5๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

tic tac

the size of a penis

"your hung like a tic tac"

"is that a tic tac in ur pocket or are u just happy to see me"

by Anonymous May 8, 2003

24๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž

tic tac

The final frontier. When you insert Tic Tacs one by one into your partners belly button using only your tongue. Keep track of how many fit without any falling out.

Pro tip: Works best with orange flavored Tic Tacs.

Dude Guy #1: Bro she let me tic tac her last night.

Dude guy #2: You've got a keeper there bud!

by tictacs4lyfe August 11, 2018

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

tic tac

a small area normally found between the upper thigh of a man. varies in size color and taste.

Look! that kid named Lane has a rather small purple tic tac!

by widedick July 22, 2008

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tic tac

Adopted brown kid from El Salvador with mild case of cerebral palsy.

Look at Tic-Tac, he's c-blockin again!

by the prophet April 10, 2003

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tic tac

slang term used as a substitute for white morphine pills.

"Yo guess wat man, i just got a bottle of tic tacs!"

by Tymebom October 25, 2007

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tic tac

A derogatory name for a person with tics or Tourettes syndrome.

Man 1: Gahhhhhhh
Man 2: Stop you Stupid tic tac

by Chrisdaballer May 18, 2007

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