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(in relation to alcohol consumption): the ability to hide how intoxicated you've become

That regular over there has a high tolerance, he could be way over the legal limit but you could never tell.

by Craig Secor January 16, 2006

55πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


Tolerance, in the political and social sense, involves two components: 1. Finding others' beliefs or behavior wrong or, in some substantive way, highly objectionable. This fundamental disagreement must be present on issues that really matter, not on issues that are minor or trivial. 2. In the face of this intense disagreement, one refrains from resolving differences by violence or the threat of violence.

Tolerance is NOT a matter of pluralism or multi-culturalism. In order to be tolerant, one does not accept or find others' actions or attitudes a matter of indifference. Rather, a necessary condition for tolerance is rejection of others' beliefs and way of life.

The upshot of tolerance is fighting a continual civil war with those whom one disagrees with in non-violent ways. A society characterized by tolerance will be full of constant confrontation and conflict without threats or violence. As commentator Jonathan Schwartz has argued, tolerance involves challenging the beliefs that others accept without question including issues surrounding sexuality, religion, and race.

Tolerance also is closely related to free speech. Free speech is primarily designed to promote free discussion of controversial questions in politics, religion, and morality. Therefore, speech codes and Politically Correct sensibilities advanced by the left are restrictions on free speech and are forms of intolerance.

I think everything you say and believe is immoral and disgusting. I shall try to eradicate your beliefs from the face of the earth. But, I shall express my disagreement only verbally and refrain from violence to suppress your point of view. Therefore, I am demonstrating tolerance.

by Tex in Tex February 7, 2008

45πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


disguise of one's learned or inate prejudice's/biases in public

We are very tolerant of *sic* behavior here.

by wriggler February 21, 2005

26πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


1. Your ability to stand something. The more you consume drugs or medicine, the higher your tolerance becomes, and the more you need to consume to feel the same effect.

2. A self-destructive concept that cannot work on a global scale. Tolerance as a concept was created during the Age of Enlightenment, thanks to multiple factors in Europe, namely secularization, Christianity (admittedly the church didn't help willingly, but the fundamental ideology helped) and the many quarrels of intellectuals at the time. Unfortunately, these factors did not touch the rest of the world in equal scale, which means tolerance is not equally valued everywhere else. By tolerating the intolerant, tolerance is destroyed, hence becoming self-destructive.

3. How easily you stand other people. Tolerance itself here might not be as much a trait as it is reliant on the other person's personality (or lack thereof).

Person A: My religion states that women and infidels have no rights. Tolerance is not a value we are concerned with.
Person B: Tolerance is a value to us, so I tolerate your intolerance. Maybe forcing you to be tolerant is intolerant of us?
Person C: Don't be retarded.

by CarlΓ£o the Pimpslayer June 4, 2019

2πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Previously similar to "acceptance" but now used to describe any socially acceptable prejudice.

Some people profess their "tolerance" of homosexuals but do not think they should be given the same legal rights as heterosexuals.

by cracked November 5, 2008

9πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


to endure or resist the action of (as a drug or food) without serious side effects

There's one creature who can tolerate you, and that's me.
She said she couldn't tolerate his moods.

by Loverksa99 September 5, 2015

39πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


Insistence to accept an ideology, without reciprocity.

We should practice tolerance of Islam, but those damn bible thumping Christians are always forcing their beliefs on us.

by IcemanPOJ July 27, 2015

16πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž