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Today Tonight

A show which is shown on channel 7 in Australia. Basically, its end goals are to make children, teenagers and the unemployed feel bad about themselves, and to make the middle class Australian angry about such things.

Today Tonight, get fucked you sensationalist pigs!

by You don't need to know my name. April 18, 2005

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Tonight on SMNN:

SMNN is similar to CNN but we talk about come. Popularized by bstchld

Tonight on SMNN: An investigative report into one of the largest come factories in the world. Are we witnessing the industrial revolution of jizz? And who exactly is purchasing all this eja-

by GYM2Quick September 15, 2023

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tonight, you

Heard when your neighbors genetically engineered dog, Hand Banana, announces that he plans to rape you

Hand Banana : (To Carl) Tonight, You

by Dr. X, Family Counselor October 19, 2021

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Ms. Tonight

A female you are going to hook up with, who has very little chance of it going any further.

She is right for tonight. A slump buster. One night stand.

"Noelle, Lauren, Karen, Gina all already left!"

Not my 1,2,3,4 or 5th choice. I guess -------- will due. Looks like she is Ms. Tonight.

by Gwynnetastic February 1, 2010

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Entertainment Tonight

An entertainment show with no morals in regards to who they report about. They treat others' misery as if people want to know about it ("What is Martha Stewart doing now in jail? We've got the EXCLUSIVE details!!"). A sad show that needs to be taken off the air, and is a prime example of the stoicism in media today.

Entertainment Tonight is now running a story of how the parapalegic Terry Schiavo is supposedly bulemic right now. How dare they try to gain from a living person who is currently suffering.

by DCX Returns March 24, 2005

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jesus tonight

Exclamation of annoyance when particularly fed up of over explaining something.

Jesus Tonight Shirley...if Ive told you once Ive told you a thousand fucking times!!

by porkchopexpress October 18, 2007

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In The Air Tonight

The first single on Phil Collins first record in 1981 and his first ever single. Urban legend has it that the lyrics were telling a story of how Phil was watching somebody drown but was too far away to do anything, however he saw somebody close enough that could have done something and didn't. Then, Phil invited the guy that wasnt drowning to one of his shows, gave him a frontrow seat, and sang the song directed to him. while the stories may vary, Phil himself claims the songs lyrics were random and the stories are all fake.

from the song "Stan" by Eminem, 1990 something:

You know the song by Phil Collins, "In the Air Tonight"
about that guy who coulda saved that other guy from drowning
but didn't, then Phil saw it all, then at a show he found him?

by yut-yut meastro November 18, 2006

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