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Two fingers up

Means you are and absolute pussy magnet who fucks unlimited bitches

Ali and Toni is holding up two fingers up, they must have hella bitches

by 2 fingers up May 15, 2022

90πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

Two Fingers Deep

Fingering a twat with two fingers (usually the index and middle)

MOCO was two fingers deep in Colleen on Sunday!

by MOCO & P-Phat February 11, 2008

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Two fingered gypsy

Two fingered gypsy is when your having sex standing face to face in missionary position and have two fingers up her nose.

I was bangin' this girl standing up and slipped her the two fingered gypsy. She was starring right at me.

by Btown kid May 21, 2013

two finger bingo


The process of masturbation upon reaching climax in which the recipient yells "Bingo" at the time of orgasm.

This can be applied to females in masturbation, or used by males fingering a female partner.

Can also be used as another term for female masturbation.

Dude, I was totally playing two finger bingo with her last night.

Brian couldn't come over last night, so I was stuck playing two finger bingo.

by Papa Dwarf March 11, 2014

13πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Two fingers up

You do this to a girl when you think they are Beautiful, smart, pretty, and obviously Awesome!

Jeff- β€œYour totally hot *puts two fingers up*”

Jenny- β€œWOW! Let’s have make out now”

by RadCat69 May 8, 2022

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Two-Finger Slinger

A sexual term used when a man and a woman are having sex. If the man ejaculates inside the woman's vagina without protection, or permission, the women then slides two of her fingers into her own vagina (most likely the pointer and middle finger), dips her fingers into the freshly spewed semen, pulls her fingers out and flicks the sperm onto the man's face with a flicking, or slinging motion, if you will. This action is usually followed by the comment, "I told you to pull out asshole!" or "How does it feel to be a daddy now?"

That dick Fred came in me last night, so I gave him the "Two-Finger Slinger!"

by The Mexipope May 15, 2006

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two finger mcgillicudy

A medical procedure performed by Dr. Wayne Fuckman M.D. and Dr. McGillicudy. The doctors get so deep in you with their gloved hands they tickle your tonsils

I haven't walked properly since Dr. Fuckman prescribed a Two Finger McGillicudy to check on my tonsillitis

by Toby Highroller March 21, 2015