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bobbi vie

A loser who disses his real friends in favor of fake ones. Lives with his mom and will never amount to anything. One day this person will wake up and his fake friends are all grown up and gone, but has burned bridges with the ones that used to care about him. Term is inspired by a real-life Bobbi Vie, now used to describe someone of similar mentality.

Kid 1: Yo, why's that 35-year old wearing wack ass clothes and hanging out at the high school all day talking about break dancing? Doesn't he have a job?

Kid 2: Nah, he's bobbi vie.

Kid 1: Oh that explains it.

by Ahcarirs September 10, 2010

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angel vie

she is a lovely girl and very beautiful but she dont accept sorry from guys when you have a sin to her

angel vie is beautiful

by arceus the lover July 2, 2017

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la vie

Your sad, sorry life.

"My la vie is extremely sorry and sad."

by SPee[d] August 11, 2006

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la vie

a slang term for BDSM

bondage discipline sado masochism: la vie

by deslegumescq8q December 24, 2005

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inc'est la vie

Combination of the the word incest (sexual relations with a family member) and the French phrase c'est la vie, which means "That's life" or "Such is life."

Used as a retort to somebody that chides one for getting it on with blood relations.

Person One: You mean you had sex with your own mother? How could this happen in today's world?!?

Person Two: Inc'est la vie!

by Squeege K. August 11, 2010

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La Vie Boheme

Translation: The bohemian life. A song from the musical RENT, in the format of a toast to the life of a poor artist. Has become an anthem of sorts for many artists of all kinds. A must-know song and principle for anyone intending to make a career in the arts.

To riding your bike midday past the three-piece suits
To fruits, to no absolutes, to Absolut
To choice, to the Village Voice
To any passing fad
To being an us for once, instead of a them
La Vie Boheme!

by Shannon L.W. April 6, 2006

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cest la vie

"Such is life"
A phrase that is a way of shrugging off what can't be helped.

"Oh well, what are you gonna do? Cest la vie!"
(Correctly spelled "C'est la vie".)

by Lil138 June 22, 2006

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