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the Voice

the show on NBC. Better than American Idol. 2011 Judges: Cee Lo Green, "X-tina" Aguilera, Blake Shelton, and Adam Levine. Each Judge has their own group of contestants. Not only are contestants competing to be the winner of the Voice, but the judges are fighting to have the winning singer.

"Dude, lets watch the Voice. The show is awesome. It makes American Idol look like shit"
"I bet. Ever since almost all the judges left American Idol; the show fell apart.

by the voice> american idol June 23, 2011

109πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž

The Voices

Scary sounds that people hear in their heads when they don't have any friends.

Something people say to get kicked out of walmart

Something people say when they don't want to talk to you.

Something people say when they want to see a therapist.

Mom: Hi honey, want to invite a friend over?

Son: AHH it's the voices again!



Walmart Employee: Brah, I think you need to see a therapist..snort.............snort

by surftik March 30, 2011

20πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Texting via Voice. Instead of typing to text we use our voices.

Instead of typing to text we use our voice to send text messages. "Voicing" This term was coined by Adam Carson who resides in Denver, CO

by theadamcarson November 11, 2011

10πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Production of sound generally emitted from the larynx. However, there are several cases where phonological chambers run haywire, causing feedback loops that disrupt functional day to day thought

β€œOh no, Youngboy’s voice is stuck inside my head. He’s manipulating my every action! I hear Mickey Mouse too! These blasted voices

by YB Better + Ratio December 19, 2021


A voice channel in a VOIP application such as Discord, Teamspeak etc.

Yo jason get in voice, we're shitposting.

by Anonymous July 19, 2021

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Acronym for 'Voice Over InterOffice Cube'.
Non-electronic communication. Opposite of compunicate.
Using one's voice to communicate in the office rather than instant message or e-mail.

Getting off your arse and physically visiting your co-worker thus utilizing your verbal skills as opposed to your
IM or E-mail.

'Hi Jim, since you haven't replied to any of my emails explaining your layoff, I'll try VOIC.'

by OfficeSpace November 3, 2006

13πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

The voices

Those things in your head that are way too loud, buy no one else could hear them, they sometimes tell you do things you don't want to

oh crap the voices are telling me to fuck her, but she looks like a man

by cantyouhearthem October 13, 2009

18πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž