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new waver

People who litsen to new wave music.... like 80s style stuff...

All the breakers and new wavers....(Pizza Day, The Aquabats)

by Flem September 10, 2005

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Stranger Waver

When you're walking towards a stranger who's waving to someone behind you, but you think they're just being friendly, so you wave back.. only to realize they weren't waving to you... now you feel awkward...

Walked by a stranger waver today... it was awkward...

by Strange Waver August 16, 2010

Willed Waver

One who finds the unbearable urge to wave at everyone he/she sees.

A kid at his new school waved to everyone he saw, and never said a word. What a willed waver.

by Larcondos June 16, 2011

weiner waver

a guy that likes to engage in indecent exposure

nanny is a weiner waver

by reno April 18, 2005

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pussy waver

1. A term I've made to describe IRL or depictions of women perceivable as not only announcing their gender but also having to shove it all up in your face in one way or another, even if it may not be necessary.

Some may call it "I am woman, hear me roar" but to some people like me it can be annoying, if not as I see it on TV cheesy, and not always necessary since not everybody cares what you actually are and that you're just a person like anyone else.

Basically being either a more hardcore determined or alpha female of a sorts. Depending on personality/presentation and how they are perceived by others they may be called a bitch, HBIC, diva, etc.

2. A noticeably purposefully flirtatious woman who uses her physical attributes and/or charm to bag a guy or at the very least the psychological stimulation of knowing men want them, in a myriad of ways for a number of reasons. Some men would call them a cocktease, attention whore, slut, skank, whore, ho, etc.

Don't mean to be offensive, but I'm blunt! lol

1. Holy shit in hand bag, what is that woman's fucking problem? She doesn't have to be an HBIC and I don't care if she's a woman! Yet another one of these aggressive pussy wavers!

2. Oh come on! You see that cocktease standing over there in those jeans, booty popping out with a thong showing and that open shirt showing off her titmissles, all smiling at me and doing that little sexy walk? She's the biggest pussy waver here!

by Jack694 December 5, 2009

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flag waver

1. a very patriotic person

2. a work of fiction with a patriotic overtone

I am not a flag waver, but I think my country has improved in some aspects.

by The Return of Light Joker December 17, 2007

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flag waver

1. A scoundrel who uses patriotism as his last refuge;
2. An exhibitionist who flashes his prong to the astonished onlookers; a weenie waver.

1. That flag waver was embezzling from the Defense Department while claiming to support the troops.
2. The little flag waver got 30 days after he was arrested outside the school.

by Cornholio November 4, 2003

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