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The most amazing and brilliant, albeit slightly neurotic poet. A true champion of soccer and hearts. A novice in mastication but a genius of the mind.

Ex. "When you're feeling sick,
And there's nothing you can do;
A boyfriend you will find,
Who will always care for you.
I would say "get well soon",
But it wouldn't be enough.

Cause you mean a lot to me,
More than you can snot!"

My boyfriend is Wiles.

by BABEKAKE November 22, 2011

11๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


An adjective or pro-noun used to describe a tool who manages to act like an enormous puss puss at the same time. Can also be used as a verb, or purely for emphasis of the tool-ish nature of the person.

Mateeeee, you're really wiles-ing it up at the moment.
Chins wiles.
That lad is such a wiles, he can jog right on.

by Steve_109 June 16, 2010

23๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


To be experience wilin' or be the process of wilin' out. Behaving contrary to the situation around you, preferably while on LSD or other mind altering substances.

Search Svenska Akademien - Vetande

"Cmon man, just let her wile!"

"Bro, we were on a mad wile shit was cray!"

"It was just... a wile."

by Princess of Armenia December 27, 2011

4๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

wile bowels

When one's bowels are out of control and could blow at any second. Also known as "wild bowels" and in some cases the green apple splatters. Often associated with mud butt.

When I eats ribs, about an hour afterwards I gets wile bowels and end up stuck onn the toilet for hours.

by Big Heaf near GSP, SC September 13, 2004

60๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

wile out

Originated in the 1950's California surf community. Means to act crazy and was most associated with surfing. Now used in the hip-hop/rap community for the same reasons, minus the surfing.

Stop pretending wile out came from a rap song cause i got surf videos that are 45 years old and it was cliche' then.

by Mca Bros August 8, 2004

158๐Ÿ‘ 48๐Ÿ‘Ž

wile out

going crazy or all out, often violently

Whatever happened to wilin' out and bein' violent? Whatever happened to catchin' a good old-fashioned passionate ass-whoopin' and gettin' your shoes, coat, and your hat tooken?

by Nick D February 16, 2003

171๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž

Masculine Wiles

male-oriented seductive moves that are typically used to attract a female. Usually it's a combination of but not limited to:

1. The most stereotypical ones are flexing a muscle, puffing a chest, deepening your voice, smooth-talking your way into a girlโ€™s pants.
Then there are others like
2. purposely towering over a girl to seem like an alpha or staring a girl down in a dominant way to stir something primal in her
3. doing traditional masculine tasks to show off physique
4. wearing plain shirts or pants that are too tight in all the right places
5. doing something that shows the skillfulness of your big strong hands
6. putting your arm around a girl
7. lifting a girl up to show off upper body strength
8. putting your hand on the small of her back
9. walking in a commanding, authoritative way (or with swagger) that calls attention to your presence
10. smiling at her in a sly and knowing way
11. making suggestive jokes to remind girls to view you in a sexual way
12. acting so incredibly gentlemanly that a girl feels comfortable and safe enough to be emotionally and potentially physically naked in front of you
13. pulling up his shirt to show off abs if he's muscular

"After getting all sweaty from a basketball game, this cute shirtless guy smiled at me. I couldn't take my eyes off his muscles and that's just what he wanted. Damn those masculine wiles!"

"He offered to carry my bag and I let him because I couldn't resist his masculine wiles."

"John was such a caveman last night. When he realized I was just as horny as he was, he lifted me up and carried me to the bedroom. I was putty in his hands. Don't you just love masculine wiles!"

by You'reWelcomeAmerica February 18, 2014

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