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Normally a name given too people who have the name William, Wors meaning a virgin.

William, you are such a William-Wors because you did not go out with that girl!

by willworschelsea February 3, 2019

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dun wor

A shortened version of "don't worry". Frequently used in situations where providing minimal information is ideal, usually involving parents, friends or police.

"Where were you all night, and wheres my car?"
"dun wor, dun wor"

"where's all my chron?"
"dun wor, dun wor"

"what are you doing with 5 red eyed teenagers and a bong in your car?"
"dun wor, dun wor"

by dunwor May 31, 2004

wor kid

Meaning being a "top lad"

Liam mate your such a wor kid

by liamxboss March 28, 2016

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Wor-Town Tripp

a drug first done in Worcester, MA (Wor-Town). This drug is made by soaking buds of marijuana in benzocaine and then is smoked with glass pipes/bowls. Usually done as an alternative to Sherm, Angel Dust, and Crystal Meth.

"Yo dude, you try a Wor-Town Tripp yet?"

"What the f**k is that man?"

"It's this crazy new drug, you gotta try it!"

by G.B.V. Outlaws October 16, 2011

Ca Wor Dow

Ca Wor Dow is an abbreviated sentence for Cut Words Down, and one I just dropped into a conversation once, when my idiot high school teacher was saying a bunch of abbreviations to me that didn't mean anything.

This saying is to be used to mock others when they are constantly using abbreviations way too much in a sentence. It is best used in mid-conversation, when you can interrupt them with "omg, I ca wor dow too ... " what your really saying, "omg, I cut words down too!" (trick: you need to sound over enthusiastic for them to feel like an idiot).

The conversation normally ends there. Work well done.

Person 1 "Carl, can you please put the AC on, then carry the 1 over to the PC, and SMS me the deets, so I can flick me Mrs a MMS, and carry the 1 over there? Yep if you could do that asap, then I can fax all these abbrevs over to the manny. I cant go out on Sat though, ill be hung for sure, thought I'd let you know bro, but let me know what your down 3 on sun"

Me: "Fuck your dick. Ca Wor Dowing aint that spesh bro! How the fuck do you breath when you say all that?!"

by gypsymadonna January 18, 2013

dits maar hoe die wors buig

An afrikaans term used in a way to describe something for what it is while totally just accepting it and moving on.

Diffie "I think i might have locked myself out of the house"

Megan "dits maar hoe die wors buig"

by Diffie Diffirson September 26, 2020

dits maar hoe die wors buig

This is an afrikaans term used to imply you should just accept it for what it is

Diffie"i locked myself out the house again"

Megan"dits maar hoe die wors buig"

by Diffie Diffirson September 27, 2020