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To get to the Kanye West level of cockiness.

Dude, tone down the yeezy

by DarlingDynomite March 2, 2011

548πŸ‘ 597πŸ‘Ž


Shoes that are for some reason really expensive just google it and you will find very expensive shoes

1.”My yeezys through”
2.”Yeezy Yeezy Yeezy Yeezy Yeezy”

by SonicTails2503 November 7, 2019

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Means retarded

Cause anyone who pays that much for shoes is retarded

You. β€œ that dude looks like a dumbass”
Me β€œ yeah he’s Yeezy”

You β€œVern looks so yeezy with all that peanut butter.
Me β€œyea he’s a yeez”

by Jjrodmen May 23, 2018

105πŸ‘ 160πŸ‘Ž


a sexual act where a male/female inserts his/her fingers In a males anal cavity

Kanye wanted prostate massage so Kim gave him a yeezy

by Chris vtech February 2, 2016

67πŸ‘ 108πŸ‘Ž


.1) 'n'Lyical rapper out of atlatna assoicated with Kickdoe Fam music group. 2.) 'n' A nickname reffering to Rapper Kayne West, infasizing the "Y" in his first name. 3.) 'v' Interroupting someone for what others may see as rude/vulgar or uneccsary

example 1.) "Yeezy" be goin in!
example 2.) Yeezy about to drop a new album next month.
example 3.) Did you see how he cut her off like that? " Yea, that was yeezy as hell!"

by My-Leaky June 2, 2011

229πŸ‘ 422πŸ‘Ž


A way of Showing Dominance, Strength , and Wealth. Wear these Shoes to annoy any broke boys.

"DaMn ThAt GuY HaS YeEzY's"

by YOUR FREINly neighbour YEET July 15, 2019

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


A yeezy is normally defined as a skinny Asian boy who fleeces his money.

Hey that person is a real yeezy

by Bigboyyeezy November 6, 2019

11πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž