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Titty wobbling zitty goblin

A girl with acne and considerable cleavage, that is somewhat exposed and jiggling about

Goodness me friend, did you happen to catch a gaze of that titty wobbling zitty goblin? I believe that look is trending

by CorporalClink August 11, 2020


Super hotttt sooo hot it will break the internet seggsy even

Brad:Lettuce is looking zitty today

Chad:I know right she’s so hot all the time

by NOT A CAT MONSTER April 4, 2021


Zombie titties

Stephen (Darkness Jackson)"Zombie titties aren't exactly my cup of tea."
Ulfric "Oh you mean zitties. I love me some zitties."
Thomas: "Isn't that necrophilia?"
Ulfric "Technically yes, it depends on how you look at."

by not_the_true_king_of_sarcasm March 27, 2021


When you have pimples and verruca's on your penis and it goes purple

This morning it woke up and i had a zitty on my penis

by Storm bottle November 14, 2021


A zit that is so irritated and swollen that it takes the shape of a boob (i.e. A zit titty).

Person 1: Have you seen Jen lately?
Person 2: Yeah, the poor girl's got herself a zitty.

by fishsticksarecool July 6, 2016


Zayn's boobs

Zayn has some nice ass zoobs, zitties

by inzomnia December 24, 2018

zitty pie

A zitty pie is a pie that is made of zit-mayonaise. It's really great, really.

Yesterday my mom made a zitty pie out of my zits.

by DonutCallMe May 15, 2018