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giselle caballero

she looks like a fantasy and i cant take my eyes off he. shes so full of love care and humor. she is like a godess and everyone should treat her like one. she is like no other girl ive ever met. she lights up a room with her godly smile. she gets me so happy and makes me feel special. i love her.

"the beautiful giselle caballero"

by November 20, 2022

Giselle Arrieta

The love of my life. They all fumble her man

Person : “is that giselle arrieta?”
Me: “yeah I love her

by Her.ex May 18, 2023

caleb and giselle

best duo ever

person 1”hey yk caleb and giselle

person 2:”yeah why!”
person 1”giselle is better tbh”

by cybermilf May 9, 2021


A hoe brah, she's a backstabbing bitch with no personality. Go kiss ur bestie while ur at it since she's the only one you can pull 😐

"Gisell is a bitch homie."

by Urbaetrumpymusk April 26, 2022

Daddy gisele

Daddy gisele is similar to a baked bean, and is a 5’4 gangster that loves her sushi#edgy”yasss queen

Daddy gisele 👅💦

by # Pun slayer 🙇🏽‍♀️😩 November 25, 2021

alani giselle

Usually smart, beautiful and detailed. She will warm your heart out with just a smile. Very ambitious with crazy parents. Usually conceived from an Aaliya or Reginald.

You can never be an Alani Giselle

by Olop November 23, 2021

Giselle Mironenko

The most prettiest girl on earth, she will make you laugh and the definition of hot, but sorry for all yall losers out there, I already claimed one.

Bob: Hey, have you seen Giselle Mironenko? I wanna ask her out.
Me: Yes, and shes fineeeee, but also mineeeeee

by kaka1010 May 30, 2022