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A practice often used at sporting events.

It's an attempt to jinx your opponent by openly calling the match in their favor or by predicting doom and failure for your own team, saving face in case you lose, whilst simultaneously allowing you to be incredibly smug in victory and thereby fulfilling the anti-jinx.

American fan - Bro, it's obvious, Canada is totally winning this!
Canadian friend - Fuck off Matt, everybody knows what you're doing, stop trying to anti-jinx it.

by Haas47 November 24, 2022

high jinx

The act of simply getting your feline friend completely stoned.( named after jinx the cat from meet the parents)

Yo, i just totally high jinx'd my cat, lol.

by dick jokeington October 2, 2014

Jinx California

Typically, 2 or more people will say the same word, phrase, sentence, etc. and then proceed to say "jinx" and count from 1 to 10. To save time, you can say "jinx california" because they already have 10 letters. The rules in regular jinx still apply here. Just that you can add "california" to the end of jinx to beat the person you've said the same word, phrase, sentence, etc. with.

"Shut up."
"Shut up."

"Jinx California! (skip counting 1 to 10 out loud)"

by Peacherino December 29, 2022

Bed Jinx

A bed jinx takes place when two people are in bed simultaneously and tell each other. Similar to calling a jinx when two people speak the same word.

Bed jinxes, are different from a traditional jinx, in the reward you receive. Instead of receiving a "coke", you can receive an array of rewards, ranging from a good old fashion cuddling, to a full blown hat on the door knob. Its a very powerful jinx.

Brittney - Hey, whats up?

Tom - Just laying in bed trying to watch some tv.

Brittney - Haha me too!

Tom - I'm calling bed jinx on that one!

Brittney - What do I owe you?

Tom - ;)

by Albert fitzgerald September 28, 2011

jewish juvenile jinx

when the government sidetracks Jews from making babies and lessens their wealth because they don't have families.

The Jewish juvenile jinx made them have the lowest birth rate for a subgroup of the White race.

by Coop Dupe November 26, 2019

moxxie x jinx

The best ship in the entire universe moxxie x jinx is the user vvrksz and hihilovies

moxxie x jinx is the best ship cannon ship ever!

by alphabae February 24, 2022


Half-Jinx has the same rules as a normal jinx (saying the same word/sentence with another person and you tell “JINX”), except for this scenario a “Half-Jinx” counts towards phrases with the same idea/meaning rather than exact wording.

Person A: This is dumb
Person B: This is stupid
*dramatic stare between the two*
Person A and B: HALF-JINX

by spider-seahorse man March 1, 2021