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something to say to your bessfreindd and your enemy’s

you can’t fight periodt

by thatonerattt November 2, 2019


Form to express something doesn't allow any discussion.

-This actor is so handsome!

-Periodt sis! You're absolutely right.

by Starman6 January 17, 2021


"Periodt" is a word used at the end of a sentence, meant to add emphasis to a point that has been made. It is often regarded as a more extreme or intense version of "period." It is also often preceded by the words "and that's on" to add further emphasis.


by iliketurtletiddiez33 March 12, 2020

Periodt respectfullyyy

No such thingyou say but no now there is thanks to me

Girl 1: *show picture of herself*
Girl 2: Your so pretty periodt respectfullyyy

by K3lton July 1, 2021