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The word rekt is a common gaming term in which is used to humiliate the opponent

Heh get rekt you noob that was easy

by Devindolittle September 24, 2020


What your body feels like after spin class, specifically at BurnCycle Cap Hill

“Yo did you go to Katy’s 6am class on Friday?”
Ya bro my legs are totally REKT.”

by Bobcat Man August 2, 2019


That moment too mind blowing to explain it to your self let alone any one else

Stoner: "dude" shrugs shoulders " rekt"
Stoner2 shrugs shoulders roll eyes and looks upto the sky

by Rekt bezt June 16, 2017


What 10 year olds say when they get a kill on COD.
Not to be confused with Wrecked.

person: GET REKT M8

by -an admirer November 20, 2016

Rekt m8

Rekt m8 is something you scream after you completely fucked someone in the ass.

“Oh, ouch, that hurts
“GET fucking REKT M8!”

by Nova 1 ponpeyin November 1, 2017