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One-hit bummer

A song that sounds really good the first few times you hear it, and after that it just gets annoying. Similar to the classic one-hit wonder.

Bob: *listens to music* "Gah! I hate this song! It used to be so good!"
Steve: "Aww dude, sounds like you have a one-hit bummer

by Eric Churchill December 15, 2009

bare bummer

Someone who sits on a public toilet seat without creating a “nest” out of toilet paper to protect themselves from germs. Bare Bummers reject nesting on toilets and prefer to expose themselves to germs.

That guy is a bare bummer, when he uses a public washroom he doesn’t nest!

by Nester9898 June 7, 2024

Birthday Bummer

Someone who ruined another's birthday

Shelby the birthday bummer

by Turd 12380 February 24, 2013