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Get the fuck outta here

Slang phrase used predominantly in the north east United States to express disbelief, disagreement, being dismissive or any combination of the three.

Anthony: Yo Joey, I banged Georgina last night.
Joey: Get the fuck outta here!

by FungibleTokn November 25, 2022

Get in the fucking bin

When fiachra hits the crossbar

Fiachra get in the fucking bin

by Thiccnibba123 June 11, 2018

Get fucked dick

Get fucked dick is when a mother fucker’s cock is so big that any bitch he lays pipe to instantly loses all attitude and submits to her King. Said King now has the option to tell her to “get fucked” and dismiss her, or he can keep her for more rounds.

“My 6’8” man has that get fucked dick, had me sore for two weeks

by Gmoney69420 May 20, 2023