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When you are Randomly gifted a Candy Cane from an unexpected unreliable source or at a time of year that is not even close to Christmas. Instant feelings of mistrust and shadiness follow.

My Uber driver just offered me a bottle of water and this sketchy kane

by jefe blanco December 21, 2017

sketchy tits

Mostly used in Southern CA when describing a crazy, scary, or a sketchy situation

"Bro I almost got arrested last night, it was sketchy tits"

"Dude I can't believe we almost hit that semi on the freeway on our way back from Vegas, that was sketchy tits bro"

by SDBbrown88 February 1, 2011

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sketchy dolphin

When something is sketchy, you put your hands together, with the thumbs sticking up like fins and make a jumping motion, like a dolphin jumping out of the water. (used in sketchy situations like the awkward turtle is used in awkward situations).

i walked in on my roommate and her boyfriend, it was so sketchy dolphin.

by texmex13 October 12, 2006

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sketchy greg

Any weird kid who you've known for a long time but you realize you don't know at all.

Anyone odd enough to wear fur an obnoxious glasses.

A social meep.

She: hahahahaha
She: he's so sketchy, sketchy greg
She: he always seems like he's being fake
xT: Yeah I can't imagine him being real
She: hahahaa I wonder who he is, really

by Meepymeep March 23, 2006

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sketchy shit

Some shit that's really sketchy shit.

Yo, Tim, I wouldn't buy weed from that guy. He's pulling some sketchy shit.

by Oxytoxen April 8, 2016

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Sketchy D

- (Sketchious Devious) This is a large balla figure, with Halo 2 backround, used when describeing one of the Dane fellers

That sketchy d... he is one hott mo fo, he the bomb

by Austin Howard January 15, 2005

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a synonym for the word "sketchy"

That club we went to last night was extremely Etch-a-Sketchy.

by ForwardCookie October 17, 2010

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