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Uber grammar nazi

A person who has nothing better to do than be a word cockwomble, a reichwank of the highest order

The Uber grammar nazi’s are out again , I got moaned at for typing they’re instead of they are

by General butz February 6, 2018

Mr Nazi

Mr Nazi is a man who recorded other teachers nakie in the bathroom because he didn’t like them. He was a councilor but couldn’t handle his own problems. Don’t be like Mr Nazi.

Some freshmen who never met him: Oh my god! Did you hear about Mr Nazi?? He was MY concilor.

by DongBoga January 14, 2020

Knob Nazi

Somebody who rejects circumsised dicks.

Willy: My dick is cut.

Brandon: You're such a knob nazi.

by Gayboi10 April 14, 2021


Smelly lady around the age of 40 with lots of armpit hair

nazie smelled very bad today

by Theyvallmejoebufb October 15, 2015

Sleep nazi

Someone who won’t let you sleep. They are constantly making noise or doing something to wake you up so you can’t sleep

My neighbor is such a sleep nazi wanting to cut their grass in the middle of the night

by Mandinew June 1, 2022

Communist Nazi

The fusion of the communist and nazi adopted by the far-left

All socialists are communist nazis

by TheAnalBeadUser August 1, 2024

Slang Nazi

A slang nazi is someone who rejects the idea that slang is how language evolves and believes it should never be used. They will often "correct" people over slang putting spelling over conveyance.

Person 1: That beyatch is crazy AF!
Person 2: Don't you mean "bitch" and "as fuck?"
Person 1: Says the Slang Nazi with the world's tightest asshole.

by Timothy Brentwood July 15, 2014