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Nutty pot

When ready to ejaculate on your partners face, you put the tip of your penis against their nostril and blow your load, cleaning out their sinuses.

I was all congested till my husband gave me a nutty pot last night.

by Romasu December 29, 2022

Nutty Pot

A sex move where a male sticks the end of his penis into the nostril of his partner and blows a large load hard enough that it cums out of the other nostril.

That chick I picked up at the health food store had a sinus infection, so I gave her a Nutty Pot to try and cure her.

by Smittyp87 January 10, 2019

Pot Rockets

1. N. Bowls of marijuana when they are 'rocketed' out of a pipe, usually by laughing or coughing into said pipe.

2. V. (Pot Rocket) To laugh or cough into a packed pipe, sending the usually skunky and expensive marijuana into the air.

Kody: Oh shit my mom! Doby, get out of here!
Kody's Mom: What the fuck is he doing here!
Doby: (Bails)
Kody: He's a badass!
Me: (blasts off pot rocket) HAHAHAHAHAHA
Kody: Dude!
Kody's Mom: That's why there's pot rockets on the roof!

by Vesuvianpick September 29, 2011

Silent pot attack

When your high as hell and no one knows it, all the sudden you pass out from a pot attack and they decide to give you peanut butter butt.

While waking up from her silent pot attack sherri heard her aunt saying
:Quick Someone grab the peanut butter sherri just passed out. I'll roll her over while you fill the

syringe. I think her sugar dropped.

by messy bun2 November 4, 2022

fur pot

An insane mixture of peyote and super good kush which would surely make anyone insane enough to become a cannibal.

<DTJ> Fur Pot
<Q>"What is it used for?"
<DTJ>"What- It's used for a.. several different things- um what it is- you know what Peyote is?"
<Q>"A coyote?"
<DTJ>"Yeah, peyote, like the natives. The natives smoked the peyote."
<DTJ>"What this is- is you take peyote and you take- you teek og-kush marijuana"
<DTJ>"And you- you grind them together and you squish them until the juices come out"
<DTJ>"And then we all smoke it and it makes us go insane and we start eating each other"

by rex_corvorum March 27, 2022