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too shook to look

When you wake up in the morning and look ugly as fuck and know it but don’t want to confirm it

Damn I bet I look like yesterday’s shit! Well I’m too scared to look anyways! I’m way too shook to look

by Kermit-the-frog March 21, 2018

dangerously good-looking

A guy who's so damn gorgeous and sexy you dont trust yourself not to attack him even if he has a girlfriend

Ryan is dangerously good-looking. I probably shouldn't be left alone with him.

by starsky:) February 6, 2018

The person who is looking at this


You are the person who is looking at this

by Princess Karen September 11, 2021


The quick glance, when looking for an item, a female significant other makes when her husband has asked her to look for something that she deems unimportant or just, would rather, not have it found.

"She totally did a woman-look when I asked her to pick up my game. It was right where i said it would be!"

by Silkenthread August 24, 2018

Don’t look at the GIF.


I’m warning you. Don’t look at the GIF.

by NeverGonnaGiveYouUp December 26, 2020

she is not bad looking

She is not bad looking

She is not bad looking

by She is not bad looking August 6, 2023

gayest looking man alive


"is that the gayest looking man alive?!"

by uhhhkendra October 20, 2022