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Max GD

A complete player that fucked justins daughter and probably stuck a moldy carrot up her ass. All the girls adore him but he's a short eshay wannabe with a horrific buzz cut and a hot brother.

"Wow is that Max GD? He is gay as fuck."

by pinky pinky toe June 4, 2022

Elijah GD

Elijah is attractive, a little on the bigger side, and likes lots of junk food like taco bell. But if you look past his weird side and get to know him, he can be pretty chill. Also he can poo in less than a second tho which is pretty cool.

Speaker 1: WOAH... That fella over there is so annoying gosh I just hate him.
Speaker 2: Nah, that's Elijah GD. He can poo in less than a second.

by Mr.Pork January 14, 2023