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Illicit Jimie hmm?

by TrumpTheKiđkissingSexoffenđer. July 14, 2021

pulled a Jimi Hendrix

1. When someone plays an instrument upside down, like Jimi Hendrix was thought to do.

2. Dying from choking on alcohol in your sleep, like what may have happened to Jimi Hendrix.

1. I couldn't find a left-handed bass, so I pulled a Jimi Hendrix.

2. My friend died last night, he pulled a Jimi Hendrix.

by ZXKW March 3, 2020

Jimi Job

The epitome of the Trump Derangement Syndrome mental illness who posts worthless memes on 45 while scrounging off the welfare system

Jimi Job is at it again with TDS rage on sadbook

by skinhead mick July 20, 2024

jimi marc bull

Has a very big penis all girls love him

Babe I love you, you just like a Jimi Marc bull

by Charger5343 November 12, 2017