Source Code

Lorenzo Franchetti

The kid everyone knows is gay but doesn't know himself

'dis "Lorenzo Franchetti" be a major fagatron.

by #koolkid February 14, 2019

squeefy lorenzo spyman

an intoxicated male of the brown skin colour who talks constant sexual shit

You heard about martin after lastnight he was called the *squeefy lorenzo spyman*

by TrueStrike May 6, 2024

Lorenzo Tantalo

Describing an Italian-American male with extraordinary rizz abilties.

Ex. “Hey Paul, did you see Tony talking to that broad? What a loser”
“Yeah, who does he think he is, Lorenzo Tantalo?”

by Vito Spatafore February 5, 2023

Lorenzo Negro

A great guy who is not racist despite of his name. Is a great guy and has an impressive depth of spirit even though it isn't noticeable at first sight. He is what some call a "ride or die" or a "Real one" if you have to trade your life for his do it worth it.

a wild Lorenzo Negro has appeared

by gazzam January 4, 2023

Marcus Lorenzo

A cheating, lowlife scum who smokes w*** out of a Chewits wrapper. Absolute cunt who fucks girls about!

Person 1: was talking to a Marcus Lorenzo on tinder yesterday.
Person 2: Oh No! Did you get out safely?

by £ltonB0y April 7, 2020

Lorenzo Diaz

a sexy hot man that is horny 24/7. likes soccer much more than sleeping. is a whitsican and a “mirrey”. it’s the definition of fuck boy. loves watching netflix and enjoys food. hi is a romantic man and a beast in bed

person 1: omg is that lorenzo diaz??

person 2: there is only one of them

person 1: omg he is so hot

by re.sanchezzzzz07 November 22, 2021