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pussy willing

Its when your pussy is willing and no one else is... Written by Chris Henderson & Mike W

Hey girl there you are alone in the club , seems like your pussy willing... Lol

by Mke DUB February 18, 2020

esther wills xoxo


esther wills xoxo likes girls or the theys

by ruby curtis x May 5, 2021

wills penis

3.8 inches

wills penis

dang that’s small mate

wills penis

by iskdbsjsbssjjb October 23, 2020


The last name of an urban legend

Dude, that guys last name is Willness! I heard he has a huge dick, but isn't a player, even though he is an animal in bed! I also heard he was wrongfully charged for something, but it was self defense. A lot of people hate that Willness man, but he's sexy and loyal and has the biggest dick I've ever seen!

by Hairydicktomsuckmyballscastleg November 19, 2022

Wille Customs

The most amazing man to walk the planet. He’s got an amazing personality and is willing to take on any task. He’s definitely an alpha male and doesn’t take shit from anyone.

Wille Customs an actual stud.

by Stud alpha March 1, 2022

jake wills

A man with an excellent toe game, who loves to have sex with his friend's mother's.

"Wow that guy is a real Jake Wills, I should keep my mother away from him! And my toes!"

by Tezzerakt November 12, 2020