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Caramel Turtle

The trademark of grandmothers everywhere. Sweet, chewy, and hard to eat with braces. Needs several napkins for consumption, as it's so delicious, it causes massive amounts of drool. Very fattening.

Jinny: Poor Leona couldn't fit into her expensive homecoming dress!

Kimmi: Guess she ate too many caramel turtles.

by Elsbethromeo September 15, 2009

Caramel Pond

A state of mind where you are overcome with a feeling of numbness and every movement feels slow, like it would if you were to be stuck in a pond of caramel. It has no feeling of euphoria as a drug might and is closer to a sweet sadness.

Carol tried to run out the door, but couldn't get the energy she needed and like she was stuck in a caramel pond.

by lnclndglsdb8 October 31, 2017

Caramel 50

If something or some1 is sweet or tasty

Ur sista is a caramel 50
Ur mum was a caramel 50

by 567864862588 October 19, 2019

Caramel Surprise

The art of busting into a cup and pissing into it right after. Than mixing it up to reach a sweet golden white glow.

I can't wait to spray jacks mom with an caramel Surprise

by TheDarkOne360 May 30, 2024

Iced White Mocha with 2 Pumps of Hazelnut & Extra Caramel Drizzle

A really yummy and sweet order from Starbucks, I don't know if I should replace the 2 pumps of hazelnut with caramel or vanilla just want something sweet to be honest..

Friend: Wow Dakota this is really yummy! What's this drink called again?

Dakota: It's an iced white mocha with 2 pumps of hazelnut & extra caramel drizzle!

by GoofyGobber January 24, 2023

caramel bunny

It's the same as the chocolate Bunny, except instead of the typical chocolate coloured nigga, it's a lightskin (caramel) nigga

Girl one: you see that lightskin over there?😻
Girl2: yes! I saw him first tho so he's mine!
Girl one: I don't fucking care who saw him first, he's my Caramel bunny.

by L'damivontiquan August 28, 2017

caramel tip

Faecal matter stuck to the end of a penis following unclean anal sex.

A: I have cleaned up down there, and I'm ready to go...
B: Good, I don't want a caramel tip!

by bigjizzyg November 5, 2017