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Moot Appreciation Day?!

Not an official Holiday, but let's celebrate it😊.

Person 1: Yeah, It's Moot Appreciation Day?!

Person 2: must celebrate moot

by c0rn 0n the c0b October 27, 2021

Choot ki moot

It is the female ejaculation or cum or squirt.

So basically, moot means piss, but in this case, since choot means pussy, then choot ki moot is pussy piss.

I fucked her so bad that she made 10-15 choot ki moots

by makichu April 7, 2021

goat moot

When a customer of yours is cranky, nasty, mean, crab apple, jelly bean. When you don't want to be mean but want to say something that your coworkers will understand and not offend the customer.

Excuse me, we have GOAT MOOT over here on checkstand 5. Need assistance and vodka, stat. SOS.

by SmarterChild15 April 8, 2015

Moot foot

The area between a woman's big and second toes. When pushed together it resembles a v. Simulating a vagina.

Check it out (laughing and pointing). This chick has a moot foot and tubey toes.

by Missbella85 August 6, 2021

Moot Yak

A hairy moot or vag, unkempt or not well maintained.

Geez, i picked up on that two week camping trip and went the growl on Shazza in the tent, she had the full Moot Yak going. Hard lesson!

by Gavatron001 October 24, 2022


When somebody gets so pissed at a video game that they're playing, they throw their controller at something expensive and yell at inanimate objects until they resolve their problem. Results may vary. Player must be avoided at all times.

Fuck this game, I'm getting "Moot-Mad!"

by ckmartens January 10, 2012

Moot Like Foot

Meet Like Feet

Person 1: "Moot Like Foot"
Person 2: "Meet Like Feet"

by Bryce Wagner October 19, 2022