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bacon nerd

A person that will try and eat any kind of bacon anywhere, anytime.

Excuse me waiter, can I get just a side of your hippie style over priced bacon? Yes I am a bacon nerd.

by isoskepsis December 2, 2018

National Bacons Day

Here is national bacons day, the day we celebrate all bacons on roblox, and how they don’t need robux to be cool, They are. On July 10, we all gather around to be respectful towards them.

Player 1: your a bacon ew!
Player 2:don’t be rude!
Player 1: why?
Player 2: because it’s national bacons day! <3

by m2q1ox June 4, 2021

1👍 1👎


When some of your opps get kill and put in a spliff

Its haram for them to eat pork but its not haram for them to get baconed

by January 27, 2021

swing the bacon

another way of 'milking the bull' giving a male a hand job and rotating the penis in a helicopter action

here lawd did ye here that about that Holly one? she sure likes to swing the bacon

by cantbelievethissh*t January 19, 2012

Bacon Friend

When you fuck up a sentence either while writing or speaking Spanish.

Fuck, you just pulled a bacon friend...

by Fuck,ImGoingtoHellForThis June 29, 2011

Frying bacon

The action of killing a police officer

The defense attorney is trying to get Jason off the hook for capital murder. He was accused for frying bacon in a shootout with 5-0

by 11penny June 23, 2019

bacon in your ass

The act of shoving random items up your ass, while screaming “ ding dong the witch is dead”

Jason was commiting bacon in your ass when he shoved a toy tractor up his ass.

by Gold3ngurl December 15, 2019