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North shore

Shut the fuck up.

Person 1: Isnt the north shore so great?

Person 2: please shut the fuck up

by BDSMaster November 5, 2021

North Oklahoma Splashdown

When you dip your balls in a bowl of mushy Cheerios

"Damn dude, my balls are covered in mushy Cheerios."
"Oh shit, did you do the North Oklahoma Splashdown?"

by SigmaWarkentor April 24, 2024

ponies are north

A phrase created by Upper Elementary students used when teachers are near, so all inappropriate conversations can be stopped

Student 1: Yo I wanna fuck her while--
*Teacher walks towards students*
Student 2: Ponies are north!
Student 1: *acting as if he is working* What did you get for question 3?

by Bid daddy (not adam) March 20, 2018

High point, North Carolina

AKA “Little” Chicago Or HiRaq. Known for its gun violence, gang activity & Furniture.

Oh you’re visiting High Point, North Carolina ... be safe!

by Automatedhussla February 13, 2020

Noooo I like that one gnomic in North I like that one now

(Predicate.) Smurf Smurf Smurf hours. Flirt flirt and this clerk clerk know you’re actually say were no purple socks Yolo. yo dumb

Her: OK so I have it I don’t know if I can Rambo. OK sucking cock is the most inconvenient thing in the entire world you see if I can psych. Like nobody should ever do that it’s smelly, stinky, and juicy wet cock being her bag.

Him: I would say the N-word. Noooo I like that one gnomic in North I like that one now

by KG&GB May 19, 2021

North Webster Junior High

a terrible school located in Springhill,LA that reeks of skunk gums and the food taste like moose knuckles

north webster junior high sucks man

by kkdabst November 6, 2021