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Jewish Turning Surprise

You let your payots grow and conceil them with a cap. You also have to get circumsiced, but keep the cut forskin in the dick as a skin ring. When you screw a girl, start screaming at the top of your lungs, remove your cap and pull out to reveal your fallen foreskin. The girl will think she turned you jewish.

Dude, when I gave that nazi chick a Jewish Turning Surprise, she cried like she deshonored the Führer himself!

by RicardoSilva7631 January 6, 2018

Flesh Surprise

Surprising your lady with a Woodie and hopefully with positive results.

Susie and I went home after a wonderful dinner and I gave her the Flesh Surprise for Dessert.

by Rail Jockey TL October 18, 2011

Shanghai Surprise

When one of two people makes a fist, inserts the fist in the other persons ass, then opens their fist to make spirit fingers while hand is their ass.

'Christine was obsessed with anal sex, more so getting a 'Shanghai Surprise'"

by ViolentlyHappy726 January 26, 2016

Shanghai Surprise

When you are having sex with a girl and she wants you to hit the gspot and her clit. So you have your penis inside her at an elevated angle to hit the clit reportedly. Then you take your thumb and reach around her and stick your thumb in her ass.

Man 1: why is natasha blowing up your phone all the time?
Man 2: I gave her the Shanghai surprise last week and she's hooked.

by Dirty Chaos March 20, 2018

Dusty Surprise

When performing a 69 with an unknown cocaine drug smuggler and she then farts leaving you with, A Dusty Surprise

Ryan "Dude, that Mexican chick from last night is a drug smugler!"
Colin "Ya man I know! We were 69ing last night and she farted and gave me the biggest Dusty Surprise"
Ryan "Wow... did you snort it?"
Colin "Well yeah, I'm not an idiot"

by therealwhiteowl April 9, 2015

welfare surprise

When you have no money for food you create a dish from leftovers in fridge and pantry . Can end up in a skillet . Could end up on bread , if you have it .

Hey baby , what's for dinner ? Not sure . We're broke . Looks like Welfare Surprise !

by Magnumn357 November 6, 2015

Chicago Surprise

The act of leaving ass pennies around town for unsuspecting pedestrians to find.

I was walking by the Willis tower when I bent down to pick up something shiny. "Wow," I thought, "a lucky penny. My luck is surely changing!" I couldn't have been more wrong. As I drew the penny near my face for a closer look, I could tell that I was being punked. The smell of copper laced with rotting feces left no doubt. I'd just found a Chicago Surprise.

by DOTCOM May 9, 2017