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Quaker State

A motor oil brand, named for the nickname for Pennsylvania

Quaker State is good for cars.

by JulieFayePrice August 5, 2020

cities and states

A one man band- Freshman in College. Mass. Can be found on purevolume. Somewhat emo sounding, but very good. It's under Acoustic, Indie, and Alternative.

Cities and States is way better then that rap crap we call "music".

"I sure hope Cities and States becomes bigger."

by TodaysNotLikely August 4, 2006

undercover crazy state

Obviously, states like Florida and West Virginia are crazy and weird states. But, an undercover crazy example is Wisconsin. Think about it.

Wisconsin is an undercover crazy state because of Gein, Dahmer, and the Packers.

by Purplenado March 5, 2023

Cheese State

A undiscovered land to the north where cheese is rumored to be plucked off of tries and where wine, beer and other alcoholic substances flow through freely.

Guy1: "Have you heard of the fabled 'cheese state'?"
Guy2: "Heard it? I lost my arm looking for it. Don't bother looking for it. Just settle down in Illinois or Minnesota. Better to do that than die looking for it."

by Flare! April 14, 2020

State Farm switch

When you find out your husband IS fucking Jake from State Farm on the low.

Anna was fooled by the State Farm switch when she heard her husband asking if Jake from State Farm liked the way he sucked Jake’s dick. She always knew Jake was on the DL

by DVillan October 12, 2020


Although having nothing to do with literal state back funding, this term is used to describe something that gives off strong vibes of state actors.

Did you see Trumps last tweet?
Yeah, state-backed at best.

by RobTheConqueror April 18, 2023

Empire State Building

to get a boner off of something

damn that girl is hot im getting an Empire State building right now!!

by dingusdong445 December 10, 2019