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stands for 'south park'

probably someone saying it cause theyre too scared to say the actual name.

person 1: what shows do you like?
person 2: sp.
person 1: Ooohh, south park?
person 2: STFU!!!

by South Park 🔛🔝 October 22, 2023


Acronym for Sexual Predator. Generally used amongst teens, it is used to describe a male that takes advantage of said woman that may be under the influence of alcohol or any other drugs.

Wow, that guy is such an SP! He locked her in the laundry.

by SLOPPO November 9, 2014


So pretty

In someone’s comments

“ur sp
aw tysm

by where’s my dad i’m all alone August 30, 2023


Speacial persion

Example : She is sp.

by Ekerkte October 18, 2023


SP means So Pretty. People usually say it when snapping someone or over Messages, Instagram, etc;

Natasha: "ur sp!!"
Jenny: "thank you!"

Natasha: "ya no problem"

by ihysm13 August 15, 2021

u sp y

ini makdudnya, u sp y gan, nandakan dia nanyak u asw

u sp y

by w? w y w June 18, 2017

Mi sp

Refers to slut and prostitute in Khmer, mostly to curse female.

I saw Maggie flirting with your boyfriend.
What?! Mi sp.

by Melon ripped June 1, 2021