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bulgarian booby trap

When entering Fellatio with the sole purpose of throwing up on a dick.

Dan: Heard Quindarious got bulgarian booby trapped.
Mike: Dam n dude that fuckin sucks

by BirdBorb August 15, 2019

bulgarian toni

When you vomit loud enough for your flatmate to hear and then follow up with equally as loud sex.

Person one: why are you so tired?

Person two: my flatmates did the Bulgarian Toni last night, so I didn't get much sleep.

by jpezza April 8, 2017

Bulgarian Booger Basher

Sticking a dick in someones nose

Lets perform bulgarian booger basher on a homeless guy

by squinto August 11, 2024

Bulgarian Clam Stomper

(V.) the act of fucking someone from Bulgaria, while acting like a clam, by opening and closing one’d body parts (legs, arms, toes, fingers, ass)

Bro I did Bulgarian Clam Stomper with her with my fingers while fucking last night”

by Skippy von Butters June 18, 2018

Bulgarian Chocolate Bar

The act of putting your dick in your partners ass, having them take a dumb while its in there, and then having them push your dick out with the turd. You then push it back in, and continue for as long as you want.

Dang bro i really pulled the Bulgarian Chocolate Bar on that crazy girl last night

by Potatonado December 20, 2021

bulgarian spunk nugget

When your force your dog to blast his green load onto a McDonald’s chicken nugget and you eat it for your own pleasure.

I tried a bulgarian spunk nugget last night bro.

by Your dads meatballs June 4, 2020

bulgarian spunk nugget

When your force your dog to blast his green load onto a McDonald’s chicken nugget and you eat it for your own pleasure.

I tried a bulgarian spunk nugget last night bro.

by Your dads meatballs June 4, 2020