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4 elements

The 4 elements that "make" Earth

The 4 Elements:
Fire, Water, Air and Earth

(3 Person act)
Person 1: Hey! What is your favourite element?
Person 2: What do you mean?
Person 3: You know, the 4 elements!
Person 2: I'm still not catching on.
Person 3: Fire, Water, Air and Earth!
Person 2: OH!The 4 elements! Now I get it.
Person 1: So, What's your favourite?
Person 2: right the question, umm... I guess water!
Person 3: Uh everyone always picks water! Why never Earth, It hurts Earth's feelings!
Person 1: Well I was just going to say my favourite is Earth and Air and Fire and Water.
Person 3: Good, your first favourite is Earth and your last favourite is Water. And to answer your question mine is Earth!
Person 2: Ya, I suspected!

The End

Define 4 elements The 4 elements are Fire, Water, Air and Earth and there fun to write stories with.

by I'mAMonica! June 8, 2021

Team Element

A team of toddler man babies that don't take showers and play Fortnite.

Team Element has a big butt.

by qlubear June 30, 2021


a clearly low budget movie made by the guys who made Toy Story. i saw it yesterday, and must say that its the biggest load of shit ive ever watched. very shitty story line.

"i saw elemental. i wanted to punch the director of this movie in the face"- quote from someone who saw the premier of the film.

by Fanus September 2, 2023

Anime elements

Anime Booty, thies, tits, orgasm faces

I got all 4 anime elements last night

by Penis water licker with juice February 3, 2019

Noble elements

Also, noble gas. Any of the seven elements that make up group 18 of the periodic table. Helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, radon, and oganesson.
I thought maybe it was the queen’s gas!
Or any other persons of nobility, that pass gas, for all to enjoy! Or possibly a orgasm with a gaseous ending!

The queen expelled a noble element!
The word, or words being defined, are (noble elements)

by RP hingus December 23, 2018