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pull a yahoo

"PULL A YAHOO!" = To create a lot of hype around something--really build it up (like Yahoo! Photos and Yahoo! 360), get large amounts of people interested, even "hooked", then close up shop, runaway, then hide behind legal rhetoric all the while still building themselves up to be hip, new, wonderful, fresh...

Sentence: "Gregory put tons of photos on Yahoo! Photos and a lot of time and energy into "Yahoo! 360. Yahoo shut both down. After moving to other sites, I fear that my new web services might "Pull a Yahoo!" and do the same thing as Yahoo!"

"I sure hope Multiply.com don't pull a Yahoo!"

by Gregory May January 13, 2008

Pull A Yahoo!

To create a lot of hype around something, get large amounts of people "hooked", then close up shop, runaway, then hide behind legal rhetoric all the while still building themselves up to be hip, new, wonderful, & fresh...

"Gregory put tons of photos on Yahoo! Photos and a lot of time and energy into "Yahoo! 360. Yahoo shut both down. After moving to other sites, I fear that my new web services might "Pull a Yahoo!" and do the same thing as Yahoo!"

Sentence: "I sure hope Multiply.com don't pull a Yahoo!"

by Gregory May November 20, 2007

yahoo it

Googling it on yahoo

What is the IMDB score on this one movie. Idk yahoo it

by Git_fuked_boi May 12, 2017


Nigerian term for internet or credit card scams.

" Bro how far, you don cash out from that yahoo you been dey run?"

by Ya Roe April 30, 2022


Somebody that does or thinks about or begins to do something that is seen as too big for them.

Guy one: JJ is such a bozo for thinking that he can take on the entire challenge has he ever even been on the course.
Guy two: That may seem so but he does have the skills he is just trying something that cant be done.
Guy one: Hes always been a yahoo.
JJ: Stfu you guys are lame as fuck

by Basiclyfe December 26, 2022


A person in leadership who has no freaking clue

They tried to replace Jean in administration with some yahoo. I don't agree with that decision.

by S. Laz/JHar November 18, 2020


A burst of excitement or joy.

She was so happy, she yelled out “Yahoo!”

by Selena S. June 28, 2022