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Stuart I R Jones

A chill but badass guy. successful and confident and kind but takes no disrespect from anyone. Sexy beachbum and a bit of a rum snob.

Stuart I R Jones is a cheeky monkey. Everyone knows this!

by Caddyhooligan November 23, 2021

stuart nuts

A condition causing a man to have one elongated testicle named after Stuart from the Big Bang theory who was afflicted with this condition

One of my balls feels wierd I must have Stuart nuts

by davidm998 May 25, 2016

M3 Stuart

A small, mid-war tank used in WW2

Person 1: "ay, yo got any M5 stuarts?"

Person 2: "No, we got M3 Stuarts tho"

by ORA! December 28, 2021

Stuart Little

A silver spoon child from a rich background like stuart little.

Man, you stuart little, stop tryna act tough.

by August 1, 2024

Sticky Stuart

A word used for masturbation.

Example "I had a sticky Stuart over some girl last night"

"I had a sticky Stuart over some girl last night"

by Stickystuart11 October 18, 2017

stuart warren

A super sexy bloke how makes girls cum just by looking at them,stuart warrens typically have massive dicks and use them to tame their women, stuart warrens are highly aggressive and will attack any man who tries to steal their girl

Girl: Omg have you seen stuart warren he makes me want to cum so bad
Other girl: OMG same

by Steven benson August 21, 2015

stuart pickering

Stupid nob head forehead doesn't end touches up little children like clark hudson

Boy 1:Hey yo you seen the nonce over there
Boy2: no it's stuart pickering

by Gabby fat March 11, 2022