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Bands in costa rica

When you have many big booty bitches all around town

I have bands in Costa Rica tapped one last night

by Xxdajchd January 5, 2022

Juliana Costa

A sweet, friendly, and athletic girl who for some reason likes a dude named Sebastian Deerson. I still don't know why... Also very pretty<3

Juliana Costa says how hot Sebastian Deerson is all the time and uses her body pillow for dat

by ImSeb July 1, 2021

carlos costa

he's sweet, lovable, cute and i want to kiss, hug, cuddle and fuck him 💖💖💖💖💟💞💞💞💞❤💘💘

try to steal Carlos Costa away from me and I'll blow your brains out with a shotgun

by ohhhyheaonroblox August 24, 2021

flynn costa

future husband to all, washes glasses after he uses them.

"omg he's a Flynn costa, I'm gonna marry him someday"

by Hayden O'Neil February 16, 2022