Source Code

Killer feature

A really awesome feature that makes a product stand out from the competitor's products.

A killer feature of PureTools. This ingenious device is three products in one.

by PureKnowldege December 27, 2017

all-singing, all-dancing, all-features-included

An exaggeration that means "Everyone or everything you could possibly think about is here."

The battle was an all-singing, all-dancing, all-features-included multinational aerial showdown for the ages!

by Stupidly Sophisticated January 27, 2022

naked features

Naked features are the exposed, "bare" features of a product. As opposed to veiled features. It is considered "good design" to have the core functionality be naked, veiling the more lavish features.

This is from computer programming, though it also applies to other engineered products as well.

There are so many naked features in your product that I have no f***ing idea how to start using it!

by 0b01000010 November 3, 2023

panhandler feature

A software feature that provides little to no value to a user or was a formerly free software feature that now requires a paid subscription in order to access the same software capabilities.

The Twitter blue two factor authentication feature is such a panhandler feature.

by HackerNumber7 February 21, 2023

chode features

someone who is very fat/obese and their face is wider in length than it is long.

OMG look at "smithys" chode features!

by helen chode smith January 2, 2011