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shout whispering

When you’ve been whispering for so long, you forget that you’re trying to be quiet. What started as a whisper ends up getting louder and louder, and eventually you’re shout whispering!

Eve, keep the noise down - you’re parents are asleep in bed”
“I’m whispering, Caroline!”
“No, Eve. You’re shout whispering! You’re louder than normal speaking volume!”

by Caroline2207 February 10, 2018

Shout Whispering

When you try to whisper quietly but you’ve been whispering for so long, you forget to be quiet and you whisper louder and louder, until it sounds like shouting

“Eve, don’t forget to whisper, your parents are in bed”
“I am whispering, Caroline!”
“No, Eve... that’s shout whispering. You’re louder than normal speaking volume...”
“Am I?? Ok sorry, I’ll be quiet.”

by Caroline2207 February 10, 2018

phone shout

when people talk louder on the phone than they do in real life

My coworker has a case of phone shout.

by tpain914 December 14, 2017