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Child privilege

"Child privilege" is when a child or teenager uses their child privilege to get what they want. Also referd to as child request
Super effective

Mom can I please have $20 for a new sweater, pleeeeeeeease!? I'm your child.
This child privilege method works because it's your fault there here , and losing $20 isn't that bad. Atleast there not asking for $50 right?

by The_moondover April 8, 2022

Child Predetor

1.a catholic priest

2.a minor that rapes people

3.some middle aged person (typically a man) that wants sex from minors

a white van with a catholic priest drives in front of 2 minors

catholic priest: Hey kids if you come in this nice van i will help you get your sins forgiven (for a price) and give you candy and alcohol

minor 1: No thanks

minor 2: Ya we are good, our parents tell use to beware of catholic priests because they could be a child predetor

by I like cat September 21, 2023

child murder

Murdering a child

The child murder of Anna

by 459395 June 7, 2023

12 y/o child


"hey is that a 12 y/o child doing 12 y/o things in brookhaven?" "yes :|"

by dorrhandle January 3, 2022