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El flechero

A small village part of the cotija municipality, with the population of -500. The village is losing population because the people from there are too stuck up and think the village life is for los nacos. Its home of the Cardenas, Cejas, Lopez, and Magañas. If you want to date a girl from there you better have money. The guys there buy ATV's and report them stolen so they don't have to pay the note. They also have a funcion like San Juanico but theirs is smaller and not as fun. The people there are extremely cheap and stingy. They will starve themselves to buy nice clothes. They like to hang out with guys from San Juanico because they don't mind paying anything. All in the the people are not bad. But they will screw you on money. They listen to narco corridos and then cry when they get robbed at the border.

Let's go to el Flechero a los arrancones

Ay van los de San juanico a cojerse las burras del Flechero

Ay vienen los del lechero a cagar el palo

by La masacuata January 24, 2022

El autodelicioso

Spanish way to say masturbation.

Auto” comes from autonomous
Delicioso” comes from sex

The stages of el autodelicioso go from horny to depression.

by Mr.Nyko August 6, 2019

El Duby

A very power entity with massive biceps and legs as strong as an Ox. He has plenty of heterosexual intercourse pretty much daily. His semen is also very high in protein. If you get him mad you better hope he isn’t feeling horny, because he will take it out on you or ya mama

Guy 1: Ayo man, who’s El Duby?

Guy 2: I don’t know much about El Duby, all I know that he has plenty of sex

by Florentino308 February 4, 2021

el tado

He who seeks knowledge and peace

Eloheem , El tado the anunnaki

by El tado June 27, 2023