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Lob is an Idiot for saying bellinger is the G.O.A.T.

by DaBaez June 27, 2021


A very very stupid person that gets bad grades

My boss is a big fat idiot.

by Billy bob koe March 22, 2022


someone who is rlly dumb

wow ur such an idiot

by someone😍 March 8, 2022

los idiotes

He/she who thinks he/she owns at MMORPGs, for whatever reason, specifically DAoC, which is a contradiction in terms.

also see- Imbalanced, Laughable, Retarded.

"I'm sitting in 3 day old sweat pants, unshaven, unshowered. I have no job, I smell like ass. Damn you, internet!"

"You said 'nerf' in your sleep, son. Get a job or get the fuck out of my basement, don't you see how much you're disappointing your mother?"

by hohoho February 11, 2004

Idiot Eyes

The nickname of Daffy Duck made by Weema in Planet of the Taz (2001), a parody of Planet of the Apes because of his "low, stupid look".

"The feathery creature has a low, stupid look. I will call him Idiot Eyes."

by Cwf1997 December 5, 2020

idiot classmates.

Something when your classmates are asains and they don’t know how to calculate 1+1. IDOIT CLASSMATES

Ah these fucking idiot classmates.doesn’t even fucking know how to calculate 1+1, fuck him.

by Fartnite_kidpro88 September 27, 2021

Idiot bones

Slang used in the description of a moronic action or person.

"Damn man, that boy actin' straight idiot bones with that attitude."

by ColdHeretic April 8, 2017