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Axel Castro

A stupid dumbass who thinks he’s funny, fuck him

Axel Castro is a fucking dumbass, don’t go near him

by Uwuwuwuwuuwuw August 19, 2022

Marcus Castro


Praise Marcus Castro!

by Olympusmons April 15, 2022

Castro Valley

A town in the Bay Area 20 miles from San Francisco. A place where u can find more coffee shops than people, literal trailer parks down the street from five bedroom homes, and every household owns at least 2 teslas. All the high school kids in this town have Edgar’s and sag their pants thinking they’re tough and claiming their from the ghetto. When in reality their mother drives a Range Rover and they get terrified when they see a homeless person. There is nothing to do here other than go to a massive man made lake or get coffee.

Person 1: I went to Castro Valley
Person 2: oh me too, I got ran over by a Tesla and a soccer mom threw her iced Starbucks latte at me.

by Who?asked? May 5, 2024

Castro Valley

A place for rich asians who dont care about value, wanna be gansters, white people, and more. People know eachother there, and it is genuinely crowded, because it’s a small city

Person for Castro Valley: AYE CASTRO VALLEY IS DA TOUGHEST CITY OUT HER- Person from East Oakland: SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH!!

by SimonSaysOfficial January 4, 2021