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Katrina Clean-Up

After a man ejaculates into a girl's asshole, a Katrina Clean Up is the act of sucking up the cum as it comes back out of the girl's hole.

Damn, that girl really got freaked out when I started to give her a Katrina Clean-Up last night

by ClaireFucksALot June 9, 2009

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Its when you through a bitch in a a chair with wheels, and thrust inside of her twice, then viciously whip it out, and spin her around three times, then like, lickety split... lick her clitoris twice, and keep doing that untill she's become dizzy. Then, cum on her chin!

Hugh Jass said "Ouuu yeah, i vant you to spin me right round like meatspin.com... over and over. I want a Hurricane Katrina" Mike Hawk replied. "Okay"

by JAYYKUH October 13, 2011

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Hurricane Katrina Shoes

Shoes that look like they've gone through Hurricane Katrina. Really beat up shoes with holes in them.

I told her to throw out those raggedy Hurricane Katrina shoes but she refused because her dead mom gave them to her.

After wearing her Toms for three weeks straight, her shoes looked like Hurricane Katrina shoes.

by incarceratedcriminal May 13, 2013

Katrina-bong rip

when you take a bong rip so large that it reminds you of the Katrina-hurricane. Also when the pipe gets stuck in the bowl.

yo that was such a swag katrina-bong rip that just happened

by vladymircock November 11, 2021

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Hurricane Katrina

When a girl squirts while spinning on your dick

I'll give you a hurricane Katrina and make you spin until you squirt

by Pea tear griffin December 1, 2015

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Katrina! Part Deux

The continuing saga of helpless blacks being rescued by big-hearted American and/or European Whites. First New Orleans. This time in Haiti. Where next?

First New Orleans. Now Haiti. "Hey guys. Look at those white dopes over there collecting donations for Haiti. Anybody want to donate to Katrina! Part Deux? Hahaha, no, I didn't think so. I know, We'll match what the Revs Al and Jesse donate. That will still equal zero. Hahahaha!" Stay tuned for Katrina! Part Trois.

by RaceGard January 20, 2010

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i love you katrina

A phrase people say to a Katrina when they love them.

Hey! I love you Katrina

by Bassoonboy1234 June 30, 2020