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bulgarian spunk nugget

When your force your dog to blast his green load onto a McDonald’s chicken nugget and you eat it for your own pleasure.

I tried a bulgarian spunk nugget last night bro.

by Your dads meatballs June 4, 2020

Bulgarian Backhand

Masturbating from behind, through one's right or left leg with the hand facing palm upwards

I'm starting to get bored of plain old wanking so I thought I'd try out the Bulgarian Backhand to switch things up

by JoweyDoorsunHasCrabs March 22, 2018

bulgarian juicecart

when you twist someones nipples and then carry them away in a wheelbarrow filled with grapefruit juice to bulgaria.

I was at the pub with a friend the other night and we gave some chick a bulgarian juicecart. She never seen it coming

by mr.labalaba April 10, 2020

Bulgarian Steamroll

During the olympic-style lifts: the act of accidentally dragging a loaded barbell over your nuts during the second pull.

"Dude, I just totally Bulgarian Steamrolled myself during that Clean, and now I need to ice my balls."

by Pyros Dymas May 17, 2014

Bulgarian Hogloaf

a Bulgarian delicacy, perhaps the best loaf of all time, be careful if you drink gravy with it, you might transfer to burping dad

“Yo Greg, did you eat all the Bulgarian hogloaf with the gravy?”

“Yes, it tasted quite exquisite”

“Crud, you might turn to burping dad”

by Bulgarian Greg May 25, 2024

the Bulgarian spunk nugget

When a dog blows it’s green load all over a McDonald’s chicken nugget and makes his owner it it.

My dog gave me the Bulgarian spunk nugget last night.

by Your dads meatballs June 4, 2020

Bulgarian Shower Head

A devious act, most comparable to a wet form of Czechoslovakian Door-Knob. It can be performed on any person large or small, however the practitioner should wear rubber soled shoes for safety such as crocs.

Last night I slipped while attempting a Bulgarian Shower Head resulting in the old bird losing a spleen.

by Anonymous1105 June 7, 2022